Friday, March 20, 2009

I wanna be rich.

So, AIG borrowed money from the government, and taxpayers, to save their company.  If they had not borrowed this money, they would have gone under, and the nation might have fallen into a depression.  Now, the company is using this money to pay bonuses of +1 million to some of their employees.  Many people feel that this is not right.  The government gave AIG that money to save their company, and they're using it to give their employees outrageous amounts of money as a bonus.
I don't think AIG is really doing anything wrong.  While they could have used the money for something other than rewarding their employees, they really are saving their business.  Those employees probably have contracts that state that if they perform at a certain level, they receive a bonus of at least a mil.  Bonuses are used to reward employees for their good work.  I believe it would be wrong of AIG to break their contract with those employees.  If you were promised a million dollars if you did a certain amount of work, and you did that work, you would expect your pay, also.  Though it doesn't seem fair to see them get paid, they truly deserve that money.  And if AIG doesn't pay them, they could possibly sue AIG for more than what their bonus would have cost, which could put AIG under, resulting in a much higher waste of US tax dollars.  Or, they could leave AIG and take their talent to another another company willing and able to pay them.  Same end result.  What seems even worse is the idea that the government has proposed taxing those bonuses for 90% of their worth.  If that doesn't seem like robbery, or at least unconstitutional, then I don't know what the government could eventually do down the line.

People seem to blame the rich of being evil.  People seem to believe that in order to get that much money, you must be doing something morally wrong.  Those people could have simply been doing their job.  They could be really nice people that always try to behave morally correctly.  As far as I know, I don't know any evil rich people. Most of the people that I know that I consider rich are actually very nice.  But, I know evil poor people....

And the logic of thinking that being rich is evil doesn't seem right to me.  If being rich is evil, and I want to be morally correct, then I can never be rich......